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Mariam Al Remeithi

Abaya Designer
Authentic Emirati

Mariam Al Remeithi is an Abaya Designer from the United Arab Emirates.

Maryam Abdullah Saleh Al Rumaithi is a talented young woman who has proven herself in fashion design through her brand by.mariamremeithi and stage decoration for weddings and other happy events!

Despite her young age, she has already made a lot of achievements! She brought her design expertise through the presentation of the play “Strangers” written by her father, artist Abdullah Saleh Al Remaithi and directed by artist Mohammed Saeed Al-Salti. This play was recently presented at the official competition of the 31ᵉ edition of the Ayam Festival Sharjah Playhouse.

Mariam Al Remeithi is a creative and active woman on Instagram where she accumulates over 30k followers.

In the Emirates, we hear more and more about her, and she is regularly invited in local magazines and newspapers.

Born into a family of artists, she has been attracted to art and design since a young age.

Mariam Al Remeithi is a person full of idea who makes things happen! A great source of inspiration for Emirati women!

Abayas Collection
Mariam Al Remeithi

Mariam Al Remeithi & Israa Mode

Mariam Al Remeithi and Israa Mode. 2 very different companies but so similar. The 2 companies have chosen to collaborate on this project. A project where the Abayas of the Designer Mariam Al Remeithi can be exhibited in the West and more precisely in Europe, where Emirati Abayas are not necessarily well known. Israa Mode also takes advantage of Mariam Al Remeithi’s reputation in the United Arab Emirates to bring its touch of French Luxury / Quality which has a proven reputation throughout the world of fashion, luxury.

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